Queensland Law Society (QLS) is the peak representative body for the legal profession in Queensland, providing leadership, guidance and support for more than 13,000 members, across all categories. QLS holds specific statutory responsibilities under the Legal Profession Act 2007. QLS empowers good lawyers, advocates for good law and serves the public good by providing … Read More
Queensland’s Courts have a vital role in administering justice in Queensland. Queensland’s courts are in 130 locations, with additional sites used to hear matters as required. Each court sits independently of the Queensland Department of Justice and Attorney-General and Queensland Government, while Court Services Queensland… Read More
Our mediators invite members of the public, the legal profession, large corporations, small businesses, government departments, court officials, individuals, and disputants, to search this site to locate a Mediator with the most suitable credentials to assist and resolve your dispute or conflict…. Read More
Should you require notary services listed on this website, you must first make an appointment to meet with your selected notary at his or her office during normal business hours. Some Notaries are willing make out of office visits to homes or offices in exceptional cases like elderly or infirmed persons. A specific request should be made, and additional fees are payable if the notary agrees to provide the service…. Read More